Wednesday, September 30, 2009

day forty-three

Today I found out that people read my blog!!!! :D

All-State is going... still.
I think I'm losing my voice.
And I'm pretty darn stressed from school-block mostly.

I still have the coolest friends. :)
I can't wait for homecoming festivities on Friday/Saturday!
I don't really think I like my dress, though.
I mean, I like it, but it's not homecoming-y... eh.
I have the best date, so it's all good. :)

And. Um. I should be writing my LA paper right now, so I think I'm going to end there for lack of better things to rant about.

I'm not going to take piano lessons this year.
It's decided. Done.
But you should still hire me to accompany you.
I love it more than anything.

OH! [again!]
My Musical Theater group is doing 13 by Jason Robert Brown.
And I'm totally pumped!!1
We're going to beast at districts!
*crosses fingers* hopefully!

Good night to all.
Give love.


Monday, September 28, 2009


I stayed home from school today.
I've been having serious cramps and hopefully I'll be going to see a gynecologist soon...

I love youtube people. David Choi. Jennifer Chung (seriously, she's a youtube artist!! XD), Alyssa Bernal. Amazing. :) What a great way to waste time. lol.

I'm still torn about whether I should take piano again... I have to decide within like... a day. Ridiculous. I seriously have no clue.

I hate being sick and missing school. I missed seeing my friends be escorts for the homecoming assembly this morning! I'm sooo mad about that!

Oh well... I've been playing Jason Robert Brown music all morning.

WSD practice tonight. I'm totally going. I love music.


Sunday, September 27, 2009

day forty-one

Yesterday Megan and I went to the band thing at Prairie.
Friday was mine and Jordan's four month.
I'm crazy about that kid. He's my best friend. :)

Today I ran out of church while playing the piano...
My cramps were so bad that I couldn't sit/stand--it was ridiculous. :/

However, I DID go to musical practice tonight.
I got one of the main parts! I'm playing 'Mary' :)
It' supperrr short, but it's funny and cute and I'm excited for it.
Once I know the date, I'll post it on here.

Btw, I have some pretty awesome friends at youth group.
Talk about family. :) I love you guys.

So, I'm still feeling a little off from this morning, but I thought I'd shoot a quick update.
This week is homecoming week and I forgot what Monday is, but Tuesday is pajama day and I'm pretty excited for that. LOL. XD

Boy, do I have the coolest pen-pals ever. :D
Made. My. Day.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

day forty

Okay... I'm seriously going to try getting better at this.

Today I dropped my advanced math class because the teacher was driving me crazy... but now I'm going crazy because my new class is SOO easy.

We had the See You at The Pole prayer meeting today before and after school and it was really encouraging to see kids that my friends and I DON'T know! And there were TONS of freshmen! Which means that when us juniors graduate, there will be people to take up our new group PUSH (Purposefully Unconditionally Serving Him).

All-State process is on it's way... I want to make it more than I can say and I'm working hard. Who knows what'll happen on that day...

Anyways, not a whole lot going on besides homework.
And homecoming is next weekend.
I promise that there WILL be pictures of that sometimes... can't tell you when, though.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

day thirty-nine

My dear, sweet, and lovely readers,

I won't give up updating this blog... I'll just be slow.
My AP classes and homework are killing me.
But I've been spending lots of time with friends, too.
And loving it.
Every moment. :)

My friends are all getting older now and starting to think about college... it's weird how time goes by so quickly.

I went shopping with my three sisters, mom, and my friend Kylie today. I got my homecoming dress, too! It's SUPER classy. And green. :) I love it. I'm excited for homecoming. It's on October 3rd and my friends and I are going in a big group. Jordan's my date. :)

Here are some pictures from the last few weeks of my life, as promised.


Our friends left us at Wendy's together, and they didn't even realize it!Long, yet HILARIOUS story. XD

Van Buren--where we went after Wendy's. Some neighbors called in for a noise complaint and the cops came... they just told us to leave. lol.

The guy in the green pants is Jake Marzen. And this is my math class when we have a sub. LOL. seriously, though.

And this perfectly depicts after school All-State rehearsals. :)

Jedidiah, me, and Johny Wonder. Music Makes the world go round. ♥

That pinata was bigger than it looks. And these are my cousins/siblings when our family came to visit. :)

The HUGE pile of candy after the birthday pinata was demolished... lol.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

day-thirty eight

This blog is SOOO going to take me two years to finishh.... O.o

I. Have. No. Time.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

day thirty-seven

I haven't blogged the last two days.

I was SUPER busy/lazy both days.
Friday after school I came home and passes out.
I had so much stuff due that day...

Woke up, went to the game.
Went to Wendy's with friends afterwards.
It was hilarious.
And of course I forgot my phone in Megan's car, so we asked this creepy old charter bus driver out on a smoke-breakk... it was strange yet SOOO awesome. I love Jenn[y] Reinert, and in case you didn't know, she's my other half in life. :)

Woke up late.
Got ready in FIVE MINUTES.
Went to All-State vocal camp at Prairie.
Panera for lunch.
Then to school to work on quartt assignments.
Then home, vegged a bit.
Then Shannon's party.

The road to insanity with Jake Rozendaal, Brett, and Jon.
Sooooo many inside jokes from that!
So many life analogies!
I love friends. :)

Musical Practice.
Walked with Jordan.
Homework, then sleep.

Sorry, no time for pictures still..
I'm sorry.
I have TONS though.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

day thirty-six

I SOOO wish I had time to blog.
I really do.
But I have two tests tomorrow.
And nine journals (two left), my history presentation, a thesis for a paper, and two math assignments that I'm behind on. All due tomorrow as well.

I've been so wiped.
It's unhealthy and ridiculous.
I swear, I HAVE been taking pictures to blog!

I'll try and get them up this weekend.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

day thirty-five

Turned in my LA paper.
I have early bird tomorrow morning and the notes for my history presentation due.
And. I'm nowhere near done. And it's pretty late already.
I miss sleep. :/
Oh, and I still have three journals left to do.
And tests.
And crap.
And no time.
Too bad.

BUT, I did make it to youth group tonight.
Jordan came, too.
He always makes my day. :)

P.S. Mom, thanks for reading every day! I love you! *hugs*

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

day thirty-four

I have LA and history and math and science and French to do still...

The school is just being STUPID about my and Jordan's schedules right now. RAWR.

I had a voice lesson after school and realized that I have no idea how to sing and I'm terrible at it. :/
All-State is not even going to happen... I don't even know my literature! This time last year I knew it reaalllyyy well.

When I came home from my long irritating day it really made me happy to walk up to the door and hear Jedidiah playing "It Sucks to Be Me" from Avenue Q. here's a youtube link if you want to listen it;;

Jordan came over after frontline and we went for a walk. He made my day. By far. :)

I know I promised picture, but I'm a liar.
I just don't have time to edit and upload... I'll try to put some on soon, but no promises.

Monday, September 7, 2009

day thirty-three

Long Day.
Woke up, wasn't feeling well.
Went back to sleep.

Family came over.
Mom and dad's side.
Nine out of the ten of the people in my immediate family were here.
And all of my dad's family came, and my mom's, too.
It was fun and huge.

We broke a pinata for Oliver and Josie's birthday and ate lots of food.
Since Jedidiah has been home visiting we've been singing and accompanying each other a lot. That's definitely one thing I really miss about him being here because music is sooo much more fun when you can enjoy it with someone else!

Anyways, I REEALLY need to go to sleep and I don't have time to upload pictures.
They should get up tomorrow on that blog post.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

day thirty-two

No one commented on yesterdays blog.
I have no readers.
In which case, for today, I'll just say this.
It was very emotionally bi-polar.
And I have the best boyfriend a girl could ask for.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

day thirty-one

It's officially been one month of blogging for me!
Only eleven more to go! haha.

I loved today. :)

My parents left this morning for the UNI v. Iowa football game. UNI lost in the LAST SECOND by ONE POINT! It was HUGE. Anyways, my mom's face is sun-burnt on one side. It's funny. XD

I got to sleep in because I didn't work. Symphony School follows regular school schedules, so there's no school this weekend because it's Labor Day weekend.

I sat outside on the porch swing writing, journaling for block, and taking chapter notes, etc. The weather was insanely beautiful today. I told the little kids that they had to play outside for at least an hour today so we blew bubbles and played catch with a Frisbee and a football in the street. If you're reading, could you just leave a simple comment to let me know? I like to know if people actually read my blog... lol.

When mom and dad came home they brought the little kids little airplanes to throw and they're still out there now having fun.

I haven't seen him since last Thanksgiving and he's coming to visit in Iowa for ten days! I'm sooo excited! (He's my oldest brother, by the way).

Anyways, I think I'm done rambling now. XD

Pictures--click to enlarge. Check Jason's expression on the fifth one;;

Friday, September 4, 2009

day thirty

For some strange reason, my adrenaline has been running on super high ALL DAY.
We have a psycho administration... they have some problems.
You know how there are exceptions to every rule? There always have been and always will be.
Well, when (somehow) they found out that I was taking two fourth hour classes (only one for credit, though), they freaked.
Anyways, Schlotty (choir director) decided that they were stupid, too.
And he said he would run for president and create a program called, "leave children behind." Because it's a fact of life that not ALL kids can achieve excellence, and the one's with potential should be able to have exceptions made for them, etc.
Anyways, I felt better that people were on my side. :)
(Oh, and Jordan's too... he had the same problem, but they talked to him first about it, then both of us together).

After school I helped the Ovation try-out-ees learn their audition dance.
It's fun and cute. :) I love show choir family! ♥

Went to the football game. I'm such a band groupie. Sat with them the whole time. I wore a highlighter orange YMCA soccer jersey. It was camo/hunting orange night. We lost fourteen to fifty-six (or something close). Needless to say, our football team is NOT good... at all.

Went to Leo's with the friends after the game.
Had TONS of fun!

Jordan drove me home.
We drove around Stoney Point for a while they talked for a little.
He gave me a hug goodnight.
And now I'm at home, ready to go to sleep.


I. love. the band of blue&hearts.

Some of the crazy kids I call my friends at Leo's. :)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

day twenty-nine

Didn't go to school today because I was not breathing well.

Went to work from five to nine though.
I'm fine now.

I wrote about Puritans.
Journaled, wrote a letter, read some Crucible, watched the new Bring it On movie with my mom.
Now I'm going to sleep.

Here's a picture from youth group Wednesday night;

left to right; me, Thifa (from Indonesia), Larissa, Leslie, Nasko (from Bulgaria)

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

day twenty-eight

Didn't blog yesterday on purpose.
Just not enough time.
I'm irritated in my Pre-Calc class because my teacher doesn't teach.
We "discuss"... tangents... that have NOTHING to do with the lesson.
It's obnoxious.
I like my history and LA classes. A lot. :)
And Mrs. Covington (my math teacher from last year). I. Love. Her.

All-State stuff is on it's way. I'm trying out as a Soprano One.
Probably won't make it, but I'm taking voice lessons from Carol Tralau, so that will definitely help> :)

Oh yeah. I drove around the block today!
I don't have my license or permit and it. was. scary. lol.
I'll get used to it eventually, though.
But, for now, you might want to stay off the streets.
... and sidewalks...

By the way, I got my cough checked out and it's an infection in my chest-ish area, so I have a temp. inhaler for breathing, antibiotics for the infection and cough medicine to help me sleep at night.

AND. I also have youth group and homework.
Sorry, it's not summer, so it's harder to take pictures... meh.