Friday, September 4, 2009

day thirty

For some strange reason, my adrenaline has been running on super high ALL DAY.
We have a psycho administration... they have some problems.
You know how there are exceptions to every rule? There always have been and always will be.
Well, when (somehow) they found out that I was taking two fourth hour classes (only one for credit, though), they freaked.
Anyways, Schlotty (choir director) decided that they were stupid, too.
And he said he would run for president and create a program called, "leave children behind." Because it's a fact of life that not ALL kids can achieve excellence, and the one's with potential should be able to have exceptions made for them, etc.
Anyways, I felt better that people were on my side. :)
(Oh, and Jordan's too... he had the same problem, but they talked to him first about it, then both of us together).

After school I helped the Ovation try-out-ees learn their audition dance.
It's fun and cute. :) I love show choir family! ♥

Went to the football game. I'm such a band groupie. Sat with them the whole time. I wore a highlighter orange YMCA soccer jersey. It was camo/hunting orange night. We lost fourteen to fifty-six (or something close). Needless to say, our football team is NOT good... at all.

Went to Leo's with the friends after the game.
Had TONS of fun!

Jordan drove me home.
We drove around Stoney Point for a while they talked for a little.
He gave me a hug goodnight.
And now I'm at home, ready to go to sleep.


I. love. the band of blue&hearts.

Some of the crazy kids I call my friends at Leo's. :)

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